Feature in “Glanzvoll” and an Exhibition in H2O

Dear readers,

It has been a bit quiet for some time and there are a lot of new pictures that need to be uploaded. Meanwhile I wait a little bit before uploading new content as I want it to ripe. In time I can see if some pictures are worth being shown here or not. I cannot publish too much because my galleries would be overloaded and as I try to put high resolution pictures, browsing would become painful to the visitors.

I have two wonderful announcements for this post. A feature will be published in the winter edition of the German magazine “Glanzvoll“. The magazine will appear for the 28th of November. I have not yet seen the layout but I know the text and I look forward to see the article published with some pictures. It tells a lot about myself and I’d recommend it to all my friends and readers. The magazine should be available in every good bookstall in Luxembourg and Germany.

The second announcement is about my next exhibition. The exhibition will be held in the prestigious H2O exhibition hall in Oberkorn (Differdange) for a period of one month. It is a common exhibition with the Luxemburgish artist and photographer Remo Raffaelli. It is not the first exhibition I organize with this great artist and it is with great pleasure to organize this new exhibition with him again. We will divide this huge exhibition hall (470 m2) into two parts. One part is dedicated to Remo’s black and white industrial photography, and the second part is dedicated to my color decay photography. In between the two exhibition halls we will share a projection screen to present a slide show of our industrial photography. As we have a lot of space we will show very large format pictures. This is a wonderful opportunity to make this exhibition something very special and we will try to do our best to make it a lasting experience for the visitor.

The vernissage will be held on Thursday, 9th January 2014, and the whole exhibition will last one month until 9th February 2014.

I hope to meet you at the vernissage to have a nice chat and a drink together.


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