
Jean-Claude Berens| 10 Mar 2016| 0 comments

Remember, it was ten months ago and it happened more than 7000 kilometers away from central Europe: on April 25, a powerful earthquake and its deadly aftershocks ravaged the area of Kathmandu in Nepal. More than 9000 people have died so far and 14000 were injured by the earthquake of a magnitude of 7.8 that hit this Himalayan country. Thousands of survivors endure freezing days in flimsy temporary shelters. Nearly 500 000 homes were destroyed and reconstruction is delayed.

Since 24 September 2015 this Himalayan country already suffering the double punishment of the earthquake and the sudden stop of its tourism business, had to face a blockade of its supplies from India which hindered reconstruction further more.

The territory has faced five months of unprecedented shortage of fuel, gas, commodities and medicines. In town, most Nepalese didn’t have gas anymore and they were forced to cook with wood in the streets. Transportation as well as the entire economy was dramatically slowed down.

Earlier this February, the blockade was officially lifted. Demonstrations have claimed nearly 50 lives since last summer.

Since February 5 trucks began to move but the oil issue seems for the time not yet fully resolved.

Although we are no longer regularly confronted with news from Nepal, this small, welcoming and friendly country is still under the influence of adverse consequences of the disaster that struck it 10 months ago.

I am still in regular contact with my friends in Kathmandu, who are tirelessly working to rebuild their country and I know that there is still a huge need for help. Like every year, I will also go to Nepal this year to help the most vulnerable of all, the children. With your help I hope to be able to give new hope for a better future to many children, and help them move forward in their studies to see growing up a generation that will be able to take in their hands the fate of this beautiful country and its population.

However, there is only one month left to receive donations that I will invest in equipment and school clothes. These can be given to me personally or transferred by donating at
I hope for your generosity this year and I will, as every year, keep you informed of the exact progress of the project as well as investments I made through your donations. This time a good friend will accompany me to help me realize this project.

Thank you very much for your help and I remain at your disposal for any further questions.

Donate now for the children in Nepal through our partner

Jean-Claude Berens| 06 Mar 2015| 0 comments

Despite some progress in poverty reduction in recent years, Nepal remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with a Human Development Index of 0.463, placing it 157th out of 187 countries listed in the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report 2013.

Over 30 per cent of Nepalese live on less than US$14 per person, per month, according to the national living standards survey conducted in 2010-2011. While the overall poverty rate for Nepal is 25 per cent, this figure increases to 45 per cent in the Mid-Western region and 46 per cent in the Far-Western region. In these remote hill and mountain zones, the terrain is rugged, rainfall is low and the poor-quality soil is difficult to farm. Agricultural holdings per household are the smallest in the country.

About 80 per cent of Nepal’s people live in rural areas and depend on subsistence farming for their livelihoods. Household food insecurity and poor nutrition are major concerns in these areas, where about half of children under five years of age are undernourished. Most rural households have little or no access to primary health care, education, safe drinking water, sanitation or other basic services.

The name Bourgandi Children Home is taken from the French region Burgundy which also is the name of an organization in France which is fully sponsoring the food to the children. It is a small children home established on 22nd January 2010 by seven of the members completing the legal procedures to open such organization, taking over a similar organization which was on the verse of collision. Located at Ramhitti-6, Boudha, the organization is currently run by two persons, Mr. Sanjeev Yonjan, the president and Mr. Ghaman Tamang, secretary of the organization. The organization in total consisted of 25 children who were from rural areas of our country like Dolpo, Bajura, Jasin Pauwa, etc. as its targeted areas are the rural ones of the nation. The children living there studies in Gyanmala School together.

The two of the people, Mr. Yonjan and Mr. Tamang who are looking after the organization are professionally into different business. But, because of their keen interest on providing knowledge and shelter to the children from rural areas who are lacking behind, they started with the children home which is providing food and shelter for 25 children from different areas of the nation which no doubt will be getting a better future.

This year I have decided to dedicate my full support to the Bourgandi Children Home. I have already met the kids and Mr. Tamang last year when we sponsored books for the kids. This years’ needs are the same, books and uniforms. The total amount needed is 1100 Euro. I will try to amass as much as possible by fund raising to support the children and the orphanage. If you would like to be part of the project, you can either make an online donation or send me some funds on my bank account. Please have a look at my philanthropy page to see a video of last years’ project.